Saturday, November 28, 2009


I had my 20 week ultrasound on November 18th. Baby girl was very active and all her measurements were perfect! Here she is laying on her back. Her head is on the right side (looking up) and then her neck/backbone, stomach, etc. towards the left. We continue to be so very thankful that she is growing well and is healthy. Joe and I took a weekend trip to Baltimore, MD (the weekend before Thanksgiving). We had a wonderful time at the Baltimore Aquarium, shopping, and eating great food. Joseph stayed with Nan and Pop and had a fun time playing with his toys at their house, and going outside numerous times to ride in his push car and just to see everything outside. Nan also took Joseph to his last library class of the fall session on Thurs. morning so we could get an early start in the car to Baltimore. Joe and I had a nice, relaxing weekend!

Joe standing by the submarine with the shark face! This submarine was something you could pay to go on and tour, but we chose to spend all our time inside the aquarium instead.

The smallest monkey in the world. It doesn't look too small in this picture, but that's because I zoomed really far in to take the pic.

A scuba diver feeding the sting rays in a large tank of sting rays, sharks, and turtles.

The dolphin show at the aquarium was great! It reminded me of Seaworld!

We drove back home from Baltimore on Saturday and then we had a photo session with my friend Christene on Sunday to capture some family beach pictures. She takes incredible pictures and has such a talent. I had hoped to use one of the pics she took for our Christmas cards this year, but unfortunately Joseph was NOT a happy camper during the session. We had just found out that he had a double ear infection and it was a really windy day on the beach. We were all freezing and his ears were hurting so bad that our session only lasted about 10 minutes. Joseph is currently on his 3rd antibiotic since his first ear infection back in October. We sure hope it will clear up after this round of antibiotics. Here are the best pics we got that day....

We spent Thanksgiving with my parents at their house. Nan and I put together the traditional Thanksgiving meal and Joe carved the ham and turkey. Joseph was starving for his lunch by 11:30am so Pop fed him some of the Thanksgiving items that had already finished cooking. He ate turkey, sweet potatos, lima beans, and a roll.

Joseph had a full belly and was off to do his favorite past time activity......READING!

We gave him puffs when we sat down to eat around 12:30pm and he's NEVER too full to eat puffs!

After Joseph's afternoon nap, we headed down to the end of the street to take some family pictures. It was a beautiful afternoon!

Joseph got his Christmas money and thought it would be better if it was in his mouth.

Hi Joseph video! Just click on the arrow (triangle play symbol) on the bottom left.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Happy Birthday Mickey Mouse!

Mickey Mouse turned 81 years old today! He made his first appearance on November 18, 1928 in the short animation "Steamboat Willie". Prior to being a mommy, I never knew that today was Mickey's birthday. Joseph's playgroup got together this morning to celebrate and my friend Jamie and her little girl Sophia hosted the playdate. Jamie made mickey mouse shaped pancakes for all of us to eat! What a fun morning! Happy Birthday Mickey! Joseph wanted to wear his Mickey onesie today!

Isn't he silly?

Friday, November 13, 2009

Rain, Rain, Go Away!

Joseph wants to go outside and play! This nor'easter storm has been pretty bad the past couple of days here in Va Beach. We've been stuck inside and trying to find some fun things to do to keep little Joseph entertained. He loves running to the door a few times each day and looking out at all the rain. We usually stay busy with our playgroup during the week, but the rain, flooding, and wind has been so bad, that we have just stayed home. Thankfully the worst of the storm is over and it should be moving out of our area by tomorrow! I'm so glad we have not lost power or cable/internet as many have. Our flooded backyard...

A huge tree split right in half in our backyard and fell into and broke the fence that separates our yard from our neighbors. Joseph's swingset didn't get hit and we are very glad that no trees fell on the house!
So, Joseph has been busy playing inside...
and when he gets delirious, he rolls around on the carpet and laughs...
This is soooo fun mom!!!!
Can I trash my playroom with all my toys???
Oops...I did trash my playroom and I LOVE taking all the books off the bookshelf and putting them all on the floor too....

Haha! That was so much fun, but I'm ready to go play outside can this rain please just go away!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Birthday weekend

I had a fun birthday weekend! On Friday night, my mom, dad, Joseph, and I went out to dinner to celebrate the big 32! To my surprise, Joe called me right when we got to the restaurant and said he was on his way home! He had been out on the carrier for the week and wasn't supposed to get home until around 2am on Sat. morning! We came home after dinner and ate cake and watched Joseph have a blast with the birthday balloons. On Saturday we headed over to Nan and Pop's house for a birthday lunch for Pop's birthday. My dad and I have birthdays just 1 day apart! We had a nice lunch and then Joe, Pop, and I drove to Norfolk to see ODU's last home football game! Joseph stayed with Nan at her house and took a good afternoon nap and spent time playing with Nan! ODU had a very successful first season of football and won their last home game! Go Monarchs! Can't wait to see them play again next year!

Beautiful flowers from Gramma Sue and Grampa Joe!
More beautiful flowers from Joe and Joseph!
Happy Birthday Pop!
Joseph loves going outside and hanging out with Pop!