Monday, October 5, 2009

Pumpkin Patch!

I took Joseph to Hunt Club Farm yesterday (which is located right down the street from our neighborhood)! We met my friend Karen there with Joseph's buddy Logan for a fun filled morning at the farm! Joseph's FAVORITE part was playing in the petting farm area (and chasing the goats). Make sure to watch the video that I posted at the end of this entry (by clicking on the triangle). We will definitely be going back to visit this farm again in the next couple of weeks!

Here is Joseph last year at this same farm (4 months old).....

And here he is a year later (16 months old).....


  1. What a cute little pumpkin you have!!!! It's so amazing to see what a difference a year's hard to believe they are walking and making lots of noises and expressions now. Miss you guys!

  2. So adorable. Thanks for following our blog. We went to hunt club also. I love that place!
