Monday, November 29, 2010


My dad and I usually celebrate our birthdays together and we did again this year! Mine is on Nov. 6th and his is Nov. 7th! On Friday, Nov. 5th, we went out to eat at Margie and Ray's seafood restaurant and ate some delicious food! Going out to dinner these days with a 2 and 1/2 year old and an 8 month old is no easy task, but with Nan and Pop's help, we all managed to eat and there were little meltdowns!

Joseph got to color while waiting for his food...

Maddy played in her seat....
Sweet boy....
Attempting a family photo outside the restaurant.....
Beautiful flowers from Gramma Sue and Grampa Joe...
Our yummy cake....
Joseph watched as we blew out the candles...
Birthday surprises...
Little Miss Madelyn...
Our football team at ODU was playing on my birthday so Nan stayed home and took care of the babies so we could go to the game! Our Monarchs won the game!!!

Silly boy! He immediately puts stickers in his hair these days. I guess he thinks that's where they belong. :)

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


We've been busy with playdates lately. A couple of Maddy's friends came over to have a little girl time! They were so sweet playing together and such precious little girls! :)Maddy and sweet Chyler were observing Amelia do her new trick....clapping!!!
Go Amelia!
Such cuties!
Boy time too! They threw ALL the balls out and all over the house. Boys will be boys! :)
Another playdate at the park. Joseph's favorite place is the park these days!
Joseph's BFF Logan is getting off the slide. Joseph learned to climb UP the slide and insists on doing it all the time. Mommy tries hard to tell him we go DOWN the slide and go UP the stairs (just like I had to tell my 1st graders over and over again). Maybe he learned this at preschool???
It was a pumpkin playdate and we all brought something made of pumpkin. I made a pumpkin dip that you dip ginger snap cookies in. So yummy!

Another playdate for Maddy!
And Joseph got to go too! Thankfully a good number of friends in Joseph's play group have younger siblings that are around Maddy's age so both kids get to play!
I see you!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Joseph's 1st preschool program!

We are proud of Joseph for standing up in front of 200 people tonight at his first singing performance at school! He stood there and looked all around, not really singing, but at least he didn't run for mommy as soon as he saw me! What a big boy!!! :)

Monday, November 15, 2010

Videos of Joseph and Madelyn

Here is a video of Joseph finger painting the other day and Maddy trying to crawl!!! Click on the small triangles to play each video! :)

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Sibling Love

It's tough to get both of our children in pictures together these days, but I managed to get a few in the past 2 weeks! I also just learned how to make my pictures appear bigger on this blog! Not sure how often I will be able to do this though b/c I have to edit the html on EVERY picture after I upload it to the blog......which = too time-consuming for me.

Joseph has a Thanksgiving program and feast at school this week! That should be interesting! We'll see if he decides to stay on the stage during his song once he sees "mama" in the audience! :) Madelyn is so very close to crawling, but poor thing can't figure out how to move her arms. She loves to do the downward dog yoga pose all the time where she puts her hands and feet flat on the floor and her bottom straight up in the air! It's super cute!

Hope you all enjoy this beautiful weekend!

Here is an example of the smaller pics that you usually see on my blog....

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


I'm still a little behind with blogging, but I'm catching up! Madelyn turned 7 months on Oct. 18th and she's now a very busy little girl. She wants to grab and eat the paper that I put next to her for her monthly pics! :) She's mastered getting up on her knees and all fours and rocking back and forth. She also scoots backwards, and is very close to moving her hands and being able to crawl! Her disposition is super sweet and most of the time she's all smiles! Still doesn't have any teeth yet, but wants ALL toys/objects/hands in her mouth, so I'm sure those pearly whites will appear soon.
My baby can read! I like this pics b/c it actually looks like she's reading.

Joseph had a fall festival at his preschool at the end of Oct. It was supposed to be outside in the grassy area, but it rained that day, so they moved it inside the church instead. He had so much fun playing the games and eating candy. Nan, Pop, and Maddy came too!

Pop trying to show J how to throw the ball to knock down the bottles.....
Joseph won a "dum dum lollipop" and those are his favorite candy, although he doesn't get them often.
Miss Maddy all dressed up in her pumpkin attire....

He was so proud that he got to pick which pumpkin he wanted to take home. He loves holding and talking about pumpkins!

My sweet pumpkin
Gramma Sue and Grampa Joe sent Joseph and Maddy a nice Halloween treat. Maddy was happy to get some puffs and baby food and Joseph loved his goldfish crackers and treats!
Joseph is in heaven with the balloons!!!!
Thanks Gramma Sue and Grampa Joe! You made his day with such a fun surprise!Joseph loves Elmo and wanted to be Elmo for Halloween, but he wouldn't leave the costume on. He unzipped it all the way down as soon as I got it on him. Thankfully I had a backup costume that he really wanted to wear.
Amazingly he never tried to take the ears off. A piece of velcro under his chin held them on and he LOVED the ears b/c when you squeeze each ear, they make a squeaky sound. :)
My loves....

Joseph had SO much fun trick or treating in our neighborhood this year! He made it for an hour and loved saying trick or treat, getting the candy, and saying thank you. He was the cutest mouse ever!
He sat down in the neighbors driveway to get into his candy. Sweet boy!
Maddy wanted to eat her costume..
By about 7pm Joseph had enough and wanted his costume OFF!
We dumped all his candy out and Maddy found some that she liked!
And Joseph found one of his favorite lollipops!
What a fun night! I can't wait until next year when Maddy will be walking too! So much to look forward to!