Wednesday, January 27, 2010

ENT dr.

We visited the ENT dr last week for Joseph. The dr. recommended that he have his adenoids removed and also tubes put in his ears. The adenoid removal should help with his heavy mouth breathing and tubes will hopefully get rid of all these yucky ear infections he's had this fall/winter and allow fluid to drain out of his ear. His surgery is scheduled on the morning of February 2nd. Please keep little Joseph in your thoughts and prayers. His best buddy Logan is having tubes put in his ears in a couple of weeks too.

I grabbed my camera when I saw Joseph wearing the fireplace guard on his bottom! :) It's basically foam that has sticky tape that sticks to the brick on the fireplace so he doesn't get hurt on the edge and corners of it. Well, Joseph loves to take the corners off and play with them. I guess one of the corner pieces was on the floor and he sat on it and it stuck to his bottom. He was running all around the house with this end piece sticking on his bottom and he had no idea! Too funny! Playtime with Daddy! Joseph crawled on Daddy's back to go for a ride!
Baby Girl update...... I had an ultrasound this Monday to check my placenta. The great news is that the placenta is out of the way and on the side. The dr said it should not cause any problems for me or the baby! It is still a little low, but my dr isn't concerned about it being a problem. They checked baby's heartbeat with the doppler and I was immediately alarmed that it didn't sound like it usually does each time I go for my appt. I asked the dr right away why it sounded like the heartbeat was skipping a beat at times. He told me that the baby had an irregular heartbeat at this visit and was referring me to the Eastern Virginia Medical School Maternal Fetal Medicine to get an echocardiogram of baby's heart. Bascially this is just a more specific ultrasound of the baby's heart to check and make sure everything is ok. My dr assured me that usually when they find an irregular heartbeat, it ends up working itself out by the time of delivery and that the baby is healthy and perfectly fine. I sure hope this is the case for my baby girl. My appt. hasn't been scheduled yet, but I hope they will call soon to schedule it. I find it interesting that baby girl has had a nice strong, regular heartbeat all during this pregnancy until now at 29 weeks??? Please keep baby girl in your prayers too that she has a healthy, strong heart and that everything will be just fine with her. I will keep you posted!

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