Thursday, August 6, 2009

Occupational Therapy

Joseph continues to get OT services once a week and "Mrs. Laura" the OT comes to our house! When we first started these sessions back in June, Joseph wasn't a big fan of Mrs. Laura. He was NOT interested in touching the various textures that she wanted to him touch (mainly food) and he let her know nice and loud that he was NOT having a good time. We have several touch/feel type books and she/we had to make him touch the objects on the pages. He would feel the items quickly and then jerk his arm back really fast to "get away" from feeling them. I am proud to say that Joseph now looks forward to Mrs. Laura's visits and has made tons of progress. Eating is no longer an issue and he's touching all kinds of foods and feeding himself. He's still not too sure about feeling the touch/feel books, but he will reach out and touch the pages quickly (just won't leave his hand on the textures too long). :)

Here is Mrs. Laura letting J chew on a piece of his toy.

Having a taste test before playing in the vanilla pudding!
Finger painting on the door with the pudding!
Mrs. Laura doing the "brushing therapy".

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